在使用Visual Studio宏实现JS折叠功能的时候就想过用它来实现代码自动生成,有了前面的基础,实现起来就不那么困难了,本文将实现根据表名自动生成相关字段属性的Model代码。
1.1 关于宏的新建以及简单用法,请参见。
1.2 环境 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008、Microsoft SQL Server 2000
3.1 准备测试用表结构
if exists ( select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id (N ' [dbo].[User] ' ) and OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N ' IsUserTable ' ) = 1 ) drop table [ dbo ] . [ User ] GO CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ User ] ( [ UniqueID ] [ int ] IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) NOT NULL , [ Username ] [ varchar ] ( 20 ) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [ Password ] [ varchar ] ( 20 ) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [ Name ] [ char ] ( 10 ) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [ UserPermission_Id ] [ int ] NULL ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ User ] ADD CONSTRAINT [ PK_Users ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ UniqueID ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] GO exec sp_addextendedproperty N ' MS_Description ' , N ' 姓名 ' , N ' user ' , N ' dbo ' , N ' table ' , N ' User ' , N ' column ' , N ' Name ' GO exec sp_addextendedproperty N ' MS_Description ' , N ' 密码 ' , N ' user ' , N ' dbo ' , N ' table ' , N ' User ' , N ' column ' , N ' Password ' GO exec sp_addextendedproperty N ' MS_Description ' , N ' 用户名 ' , N ' user ' , N ' dbo ' , N ' table ' , N ' User ' , N ' column ' , N ' Username ' GO exec sp_addextendedproperty N ' MS_Description ' , N ' 用户权限 ' , N ' user ' , N ' dbo ' , N ' table ' , N ' User ' , N ' column ' , N ' UserPermission_Id ' GO 3.2 准备获取表结构帮助类(C#)
3.2.1 新建项目 -> 类库,项目名称:SqlSchemaProvider
2.2.2 数据传输类ColumnInfo.cs
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; /// <summary> /// 字段信息 /// </summary> public sealed class ColumnInfo { #region Member Variable private string name; private string desc; private string type; #endregion #region Constructor public ColumnInfo( string name, string type, string desc) { this .name = name; this .desc = desc; this .type = type; } #endregion #region Properties /// <summary> /// 列名 /// </summary> public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } /// <summary> /// 列说明 /// </summary> public string Description { get { return desc; } set { desc = value; } } /// <summary> /// 数据类型(已经转换为C#) /// </summary> public string Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } } #endregion } 2.2.3 元数据获取帮助类SqlSchemaProvider.cs ,注意这里使用了SqlHelper.cs!
// ============================================================================== // // 作 者:农民伯伯 // 邮 箱:over140@gmail.com // 博 客: http://over140.cnblogs.com/ // 时 间:2009-6-24 // 描 述:获取SQL SERVER 元数据 // // ============================================================================== using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; public sealed class SqlSchemaProvider { #region GetTableColumns public ColumnInfo[] GetTableColumns( string connectstring, string tableName) { List < ColumnInfo > result = new List < ColumnInfo > (); SqlConnectionStringBuilder scsb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectstring); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(scsb.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, SQL2000_GetTableColumns, new SqlParameter( " @DatabaseName " , scsb.InitialCatalog), new SqlParameter( " @SchemaName " , " dbo " ), new SqlParameter( " @TableName " , tableName))) { while (reader.Read()) { result.Add( new ColumnInfo(reader.GetString( 0 ), GetCSharpType(reader.GetString( 1 )), reader.GetString( 17 ))); } } return result.ToArray(); } #region Type Maps private string GetCSharpType( string type) { if ( string .IsNullOrEmpty(type)) return " string " ; string reval = string .Empty; switch (type.ToLower()) { case " varchar " : case " nchar " : case " ntext " : case " text " : case " char " : case " nvarchar " : reval = " string " ; break ; case " int " : reval = " int " ; break ; case " smallint " : reval = " Int16 " ; break ; case " bigint " : reval = " Int64 " ; break ; case " float " : reval = " double " ; break ; case " bit " : reval = " bool " ; break ; case " decimal " : case " smallmoney " : case " money " : case " numeric " : reval = " decimal " ; break ; case " binary " : reval = " System.Byte[] " ; break ; case " real " : reval = " System.Single " ; break ; case " datetime " : case " smalldatetime " : case " timestamp " : reval = " System.DateTime " ; break ; case " tinyint " : reval = " System.Byte " ; break ; case " uniqueidentifier " : reval = " System.Guid " ; break ; case " image " : case " varbinary " : reval = " System.Byte[] " ; break ; case " Variant " : reval = " Object " ; break ; default : reval = " string " ; break ; } return reval; } #endregion #endregion #region SQL Templates #region GetTableColumns private const string SQL2000_GetTableColumns = @" SELECT clmns.[name] AS [Name], usrt.[name] AS [DataType], ISNULL(baset.[name], N'') AS [SystemType], CAST(CASE WHEN baset.[name] IN (N'char', N'varchar', N'binary', N'varbinary', N'nchar', N'nvarchar') THEN clmns.prec ELSE clmns.length END AS INT) AS [Length], CAST(clmns.xprec AS TINYINT) AS [NumericPrecision], CAST(clmns.xscale AS INT) AS [NumericScale], CASE CAST(clmns.isnullable AS BIT) WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS [Nullable], defaults.text AS [DefaultValue], CAST(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsIdentity') AS INT) AS [Identity], CAST(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsRowGuidCol') AS INT) AS IsRowGuid, CAST(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsComputed') AS INT) AS IsComputed, CAST(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsDeterministic') AS INT) AS IsDeterministic, CAST(CASE COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsIdentity') WHEN 1 THEN IDENT_SEED(QUOTENAME(stbl.[name]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(tbl.[name])) ELSE 0 END AS NVARCHAR(40)) AS [IdentitySeed], CAST(CASE COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.id, clmns.[name], N'IsIdentity') WHEN 1 THEN IDENT_INCR(QUOTENAME(stbl.[name]) + '.' + QUOTENAME(tbl.[name])) ELSE 0 END AS NVARCHAR(40)) AS [IdentityIncrement], cdef.[text] AS ComputedDefinition, clmns.[collation] AS Collation, CAST(clmns.colid AS int) AS ObjectId, isnull(prop.value, '') AS ColumnDesc FROM dbo.sysobjects AS tbl INNER JOIN dbo.sysusers AS stbl ON stbl.[uid] = tbl.[uid] INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns AS clmns ON clmns.id=tbl.id LEFT JOIN dbo.systypes AS usrt ON usrt.xusertype = clmns.xusertype LEFT JOIN dbo.sysusers AS sclmns ON sclmns.uid = usrt.uid LEFT JOIN dbo.systypes AS baset ON baset.xusertype = clmns.xtype and baset.xusertype = baset.xtype LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments AS defaults ON defaults.id = clmns.cdefault LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments AS cdef ON cdef.id = clmns.id AND cdef.number = clmns.colid LEFT OUTER JOIN sysproperties prop ON clmns.id = prop.id AND clmns.colid = prop.smallid WHERE (tbl.[type] = 'U' OR tbl.[type] = 'S') AND stbl.[name] = 'dbo' AND tbl.[name] = @TableName ORDER BY clmns.colorder " ; #endregion #endregion } 3.3 宏中引用帮助类
3.3.1 由于不能直接用绝对路径添加dll,所以需要将SqlSchemaProvider.dll拷贝到<安装目录>\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
3.3.2 引用System.Data.dll和SqlSchemaProvider.dll
3.4 编写宏代码
Imports System Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Imports EnvDTE90 Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Collections.Generic ' ============================================================================ ' ' 作 者:农民伯伯 ' 邮 箱:over140@gmail.com ' 博 客:http://over140.cnblogs.com/ ' 时 间:2009-6-24 ' 描 述:自动生成Model宏 ' ' ============================================================================ Public Module AutoModel Dim selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection Sub GenerateModel() Dim schemaProvide As SqlSchemaProvider = New SqlSchemaProvider() Const ConnStr As String = " Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DBName;User ID=sa;Password=sa; " Dim tableName As String Dim columns() As ColumnInfo ' 用于存放字段信息 Dim line As Integer selection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection tableName = selection.Text ' ------------------------------------------------------验证 If String .IsNullOrEmpty(tableName) Then MsgBox ( " 请选择要表名! " , MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) Return End If ' 取得所有字段 columns = schemaProvide.GetTableColumns(ConnStr, tableName) If columns.Length = 0 Then MsgBox ( " 表不存在或该表没有字段! " , MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) Return End If ' 移动当前行位置,添加占位行 line = selection.ActivePoint.Line + 2 selection.GotoLine(line) selection.NewLine(columns.Length * 2 ) selection.GotoLine(line) ' ------------------------------------------------------成员变量 NewLineInsert( " #region Member Variable " ) selection.NewLine( 2 ) For Each column As ColumnInfo In columns InsertNewLine( String .Format( " private {0} {1}; " , column.Type, column.Name.ToLower())) Next NewLineInsert( " #endregion " ) selection.NewLine() ' ------------------------------------------------------构造函数 NewLineInsert( " #region Constructor " ) selection.NewLine() NewLineInsert( String .Format( " public {0}() " , tableName)) NewLineInsert( " { " ) NewLineInsert( " } " ) NewLineInsert( " #endregion " ) selection.NewLine() ' ------------------------------------------------------字段 NewLineInsert( " #region 字段名称 " ) selection.NewLine( 2 ) For Each column As ColumnInfo In columns InsertNewLine( " /// <summary> " ) If ( String .IsNullOrEmpty(column.Description)) Then InsertNewLine( " 没有字段说明 " ) Else InsertNewLine(column.Description) End If InsertNewLine( " </summary> " ) selection.GotoLine(selection.AnchorPoint.Line) selection.SelectLine() InsertNewLine( String .Format( " public const string CN_{0} = ""{0}""; " , column.Name)) selection.NewLine() Next InsertNewLine( " #endregion " ) ' ------------------------------------------------------属性(Properties) NewLineInsert( " #region Properties " ) selection.NewLine( 2 ) For Each column As ColumnInfo In columns InsertNewLine( " /// <summary> " ) If ( String .IsNullOrEmpty(column.Description)) Then InsertNewLine( " 没有字段说明 " ) Else InsertNewLine(column.Description) End If InsertNewLine( " </summary> " ) selection.GotoLine(selection.AnchorPoint.Line) selection.SelectLine() InsertNewLine( String .Format( " public {0} {1} " , column.Type, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(column.Name))) InsertNewLine( " { " ) InsertNewLine( String .Concat( " get { return " , column.Name.ToLower(), " ; } " )) InsertNewLine( String .Concat( " set { " , column.Name.ToLower(), " = value; } " )) InsertNewLine( " } " ) selection.NewLine() Next NewLineInsert( " #endregion " ) selection.NewLine() ' 格式化文档 ' DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.FormatDocument") DTE.ExecuteCommand( " 编辑.设置文档的格式 " ) ' 折叠代码 DTE.ExecuteCommand( " 编辑.折叠到定义 " ) End Sub Sub NewLineInsert( ByVal code As String ) ' 相当于在编辑器内按Enter键 selection.NewLine() selection.Insert(code) End Sub Sub InsertNewLine( ByVal code As String ) selection.Insert(code) selection.NewLine() End Sub End Module 代码说明:
a). 如果不熟悉VBA编程建议尽量将逻辑代码、访问数据库代码用C#写成类库再引用进来调用。
b). 注意连接数据库字符串ConnStr需要替换成自己的数据库连接字符串!
c). 输出代码的排版并不全是简单的一行输出一个字串就行了,需要模拟你在编辑器中输入代码的同时VS自动生成的代码,比如在一个属性(Property)上行输入"///"他就会自动给你生成注释,如果你在后面的行还输出"/// 说明"那就会出错了,格式也乱了,所以需要特别注意!
d). 宏最后有"DTE.ExecuteCommand("编辑.设置文档的格式")"这样的代码,这个用于直接调用工具栏里面功能,这里写英文的行,写中文的也行:)
3.5 设置运行宏
3.5.1 设置宏快捷键(参照),这里设置为Ctrl+G、Ctrl+M
3.5.2 新建类User,注意类名和表名须一致
3.5.3 选中类名User,快捷键Ctrl+G、Ctrl+M运行宏,生成如下:
曾做过一次对日外包的项目,印象最深的是他们Excel用得非常好,用来写式样书、写测试报告,用Excel中的宏来生成数据库、生成测试数据等复杂的操作,非常强悍,至此也算小小的满足了一下羡慕的心理: )
本文转自over140 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/over140/584225,如需转载请自行联系原作者